Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Underhand Throw - Kindergarten to Grade 2

I hope that all of you had a fantastic Easter Weekend!  We could still go sledding with the freshly fallen snow.  Did you go for an Easter Egg Hunt or a Walk?  

This week I am challenging you to get better at the Underhand Throw.  Here is the warm-up for today to begin.  Remember to click on the colored words to watch the video.

                                          Fun 2 Minute Warm-Up 

Underhand Throw

  • Find an open space in your house
  • Find light objects that are safe to throw such as socks or stuffed animals
  • Throw from the Floor to the Ceiling 
  • Object should go just above your head and not touch your ceiling
Please click on the colored words to watch the Video.

                                          Underhand Throw Video

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