Monday, April 27, 2020

Hot Potato - Kindergarten to Grade 2

Did you do some activity this weekend in the beautiful sunshine?  I have joined some of your Google Meets and was excited to hear about all of the ways you are moving your bodies!  Keep it up, boys and girls!  Please find an open space and click on the colored words below for Today's Warm-Up.

                                                     WHEEL OF FITNESS WARM UP

Hot Potato

You will need a ball or a rolled up pair of socks.  Remember when we played Hot Potato using our hands in the Basketball Unit?  We are now going to play Hot Potato using our feet.  Click on the colored words below to see how.

                                                                  HOT POTATO  

Keep trying to improve your Eye-to-Foot Coordination by practicing Hot Potato each day this week.  Great work, Citadel Park School!

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