Thursday, April 9, 2020

Today's Challenge

Easter Weekend is coming up and the temperature outside is getting warmer!  Try to include some physical activity each day.  How about setting up your own Easter Egg hunt or going for a walk and counting the Easter decorations in your neighborhood?    

Jumping Rope is also a great way to move your body!  You could try some tricks that we learned in Jump Rope for Heart or see how many forward skips you can do without stopping.  Jump Rope for Heart Prizes will be given out when the school reopens.   

Words that are a different color and/or underlined are links.  Click on these words to open activities and videos.  

Find and open space and follow me in this video.

Using a Water Bottle around your house, maybe in your recycling.  Fill it half way with some water.  Try these 3 challenges.  How many times can you stand up and go down into these positions without dropping the water bottle?

                                                      Water Bottle Challenge

Try to balance a stuffed friend again while you perform the exercises in this video.

Have a wonderful long weekend with the Easter Bunny and remember to do something active each day!

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