Monday, June 1, 2020

Jump Rope K-2

Have you noticed the beautiful flowers and leaves when you are outside walking, biking, playing tag, jumping, and being active?  Keep it up and get ready for our Virtual Jump Event Day!

#VirtualJump Event Day
     Let’s celebrate together from home Friday, June 19. Please join our school

Join our school and keep track of your EASY Healthy Habits Streak online.  How many days in a row can you?

          E - Eat Healthy Fruits and Vegetables
          A - Be Active for 1 hour or more
          S - Screens 2 hours or less per day (outside of school work)
          Y - Yes to water and no to sugary drinks

Here is another Jump Rope Challenge to try.  It is called the Single Rope Jump.  It is like the Jog and Jump except that you are hopping with 2 feet over the rope instead of stepping.  Please click on the colored words to practice.

                                                             1 Foot Hop

Also, try Jog and Jump around obstacles that you can find around your home.

                                              Jog and Jump around Obstacles

Try these fun activities as well!  


Practice these Jump Rope Skills a few times each day and you will improve!   

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