Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Look for the Good! - Grade 3 and 4

It was a beautiful, sunny long weekend!  I hope that you were able to enjoy some activities outside with your family!  
Remember how we were using paper plates and spatulas to make paddles last week.  Try this fun warm up to practice some of those skills we learned last week.  Please click on the colored words.

                                                            Hit The Ball Y'all 

Try to go for a walk in your yard or neighborhood this week and Look for the Good.  See the video below by clicking on the colored words.
                                                             LOOK FOR THE GOOD  

There are 3 rules to follow as you Walk
  •  First, walk where it’s safe! 
  •  Second, walk for at least 10 minutes at a time – 30 would be outstanding! 
  •  Third, look for the good as you walk.

Some examples of things I think are good are funny animals, busy insects, beautiful buildings, wonderful trees. You can use my examples, or you can find your own!  How many good things can you find?  I counted 10 beautiful trees with long trunks and branches on my walk today.

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