Monday, February 22, 2021

Jump Rope for Heart

Our Jump Rope for Heart activities will begin tomorrow!  If the weather is nice, you can jump outside! 

Jump Rope for Heart Fundraising will look a little different this year due to the pandemic. All donations can be made online and will go directly to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. There is no competition for prizes – students will simply make family aware of their jump rope activities and advise friends and family that should they wish to do so, they can make a donation on behalf of Citadel Park School at:

F21_Jump_AB_Provincial: Citadel Park School - Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada / Fondation des maladies du coeur et de l'AVC du Canada. 

This link will bring you to the CPS school’s fundraising page where you simply need to click “Donate Now” button to donate to the school. 

Skipping is an excellent physical activity to get the heart pumping. Indeed this is one of several ways to make your heart healthy and integrate ‘EASY’ healthy habits into your lifestyle. ​​​​​​​

JUMP into the Challenge and try to jump for 5 Minutes each day this week!!